Helen Interview by Dawn Reese

Helen Interview

By Dawn Reese

Hello To all my readers with Truth magazine, I have a new Artist I want to introduce you to and she is sooo Talented, not only is she a top artist, Her work is sold all over the world, She is The Owner of the Manatee Queen In Jupiter Florida, The Best Cruise and It is so Tropical And you pass the Rich & Famous, I call her the Queen of the Manatee Queen
Let me introduce this Beautiful and Talented Lady,

Dawn:  Hello Helen, Thank you for taking time to Chat with me and Tell my readers about your art work, I am so impressed as I love the Tropical Work you do, Tell my Readers what kind of art work you sell and how long does it take for an order ?

Depending on my backlog of work, (currently only two ) it varies greatly, but usually I can produce a work in a little under 30 days.

Dawn: Where can on see your art work Displayed :

Helen:I have few to display as sales keep inventory low.  There are three displayed currently at an art show in Jupiter Florida at the Crab House Restaurant, a beautiful location where fine dining on the water of the intracoastal here in S Florida with the beautiful Jupiter Lighthouse as background.  While sitting at the world famous bar looking out over the Manatee Queen out at the dock it is a great place to display art.

Dawn: What inspires you to do a piece ?

Usually it is a request, or something I have not done in the birds of the tropics which is my favorite.  Ilove the pretty colors of natures paint brush best,  No matter how I try, I cannot duplicate them perfectly, but we can always improve.  I Also love country things like barns, horses.  In our travels, I often take pictures of scenes that I think would look good in my lath art.

Dawn: What is your favorite Quote & saying;

Nature:  Look but don't touch, the quote, "Come, look, go.  Leave nothing but your footprint." 
           Saying:  Please smile at me, God is not finished with this work of art."   Both authors unknown.

Dawn: Do you have a Website and Where can Someone call you for your art work:

The website is under construction,you can find the link to it on our Manatee Queen website:  http://members@aol.com/manateeq/manatee.htm

Dawn: What is your favorite Piece of art work that you Like

Remington's "End of the Trail" at Brookgreen Gardens in South Carolina

Dawn: When Did you start out to be an artist, and Who Inspired you to Be one Of the Top artist in the world.

I have always worked with atrsie things,  taught ceramics long ago, worked with wood carvings in one dimension and while doing that, (like ducks for the yard or coat hangers for the front hall, my husband said my work was good so I made a one dimensional carving with lath background and some folks saw it and bought things occaisionally.  My husband insisted I go futher and he bouhgt me a huge band saw for Christmas one year.  I was terribly intimidated by it, and finally a friend showed me how to use it and off I went.   It has evolved to 3 dimension carving and no one else in the world does if like mine.  Each is an original.

Dawn: You have traveled all over the World And you and your Hubby have a Traveling Video series, and I watched a little And what I Can say I felt Like I was right there, And you really are a tour guide
Tell us a little more about your Travel with Helen And Brian

It is a simple concept. A drivers eye view We travel, you travel everyone likes to travel.  Many cannot due to many reasons.  Our friends (after many negative jokes about home movies) actually want to see more.  We simply comment on what we see much as you might driving around on vacation.  Brian is pretty witty and usually has some corny comment on what we are doing or seeing.  We want you to get ot know our families, pets, homes and enjoy all of the "Travel picture"  Getting ready, going to and from airports, and seeing all of it.  It makes one feel as they are there.  No scripts, no made up scenes or reinactments.  It truly makes one "get involved".  Quite different from any other series.  As our life goes on so do our travels.  Only way to get to be a good traveler is lots of practice.

Dawn: What are the cost of your Videos; 

It goes by the hour.  $19.95 per hour.  With a two hour minimum.  You can go back in time and see some of our older vacations.  Of course as the years go by the new camaras got better and better so we have not included any trips before image stablized lenses.  (plus shipping and handling)

Dawn: What has been the most Exciting Travel Place you enjoyed, can you tell my readers.

Well I really like planet earth best.  And to narrow it down closer, Rome and environs was very intreguing.  Our last trip to Australia was unbelievable.  11,000 kilometers from the outback to Sidney, from the cold and windy south to the steamy north it was really great.  We have about 16 hours of video from there. Don't miss a frame.

Dawn: Since your the Manatee Queen, are you ever Interested in Judging Beauty Pageants and Talent events, They call me all the time, for all ages.

Sure, but I prefer pagents near casinos, especially LV

Dawn: I want to tell my readers, I gave you a Crown & sash On One of my Shows I had on your Cruise, We had Top VIP guest from Lauren Chapin From Father knows Best to Top agents in Florida and Mystery Guest from www.nextbigstar.com For talent: What did you think Of my shows for Talent and How I really give them The Winning Edge in showbiz and it can Happen on the Manatee Queen, as we have more shows starting next month.

  I have always loved show business, wanted to be a dancer.  But I never knew how to break in,  I now know that one has to have someone care like you and your service that has helped so many.   Your contacts surely can put someone on the correct path and keep them on it.

Dawn: What is your website for the Manatee Queen


Dawn: Can you tell my readers some of the Famous People they can see when They are on your cruise

Burt Reynold's home, Greg Norman's, where Perry Como used to live( we sure miss him), Professional golfers homes, Truly the backboneof american industry. WE see homes over $40,000,000.00  it goes on and on.

Dawn: You have met some Celebrities Your self from Your Cruise, can you tell my Readers, Some of the people you have met.

Oh many Celebs:  Claude Akins, all the troupe from Blue Period Productions (Burt Reynolds company), Loni Anderson, Lauren Chapin, Perry Como came on board constantly, as we stopped at his dock and he would jump on many times.  He loved the sunset cruise the best.  Many others as this is the plaground of the very rich.

Dawn: The Manatee Queen is awesome for companies that want to have a Private charter For their event, Where can they call for more information. and tell us about the times of your tours, for the public

Our main number is 561-744-2191

Dawn: Is there anything you would like to say to Mr. Brown,

  Hi Mr. Brown, it has been too long since you have been aboard the Manatee Queen.  Come soon.

Dawn: I want to tell my readers, You really do not want to miss out on Helen's Work, It is amazing, Enjoy the pictures and if you are a Celebrity That buys her art work, send Us A. Picture so We can put that on our site This is Dawn Till Dusk Interviews, With another Winning artist In Jupiter Florida: I give Helen the winning Edge seal of Approval:

Look for The Dawn Reese show on the Manatee Queen, I am looking for all talent for TV you can sponsor yourself, as I have top guest on the Cruise To help you get connected in showbusiness.
Go to my website at www.studio104.com
and my email is DawnReeseshow@aol.com
Send your pictures Demos and snapshots, and if you are interested in To Dawn Reese
Win Edge
P.O Box 33722 Palm Beach Gardens Florida
The Model Quest Search for men and Women, For Oxygen magazine and American Health and Fitness magazine: & Muscle magazine. International  & Hollywood International Photo contest all ages judged by Top Hollywood Agents Casting Directors Managers & Producers & Celebrities:
See you on the Manatee Queen:

Dawn's Interviews